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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২০ August ২০২৪

ড. মোহাম্মদ তারেক

Dr. Mohammad Tareq is the Executive President of BICM. Before joining BICM he served as a Professor in the Department of Accounting & Information Systems at the University of Dhaka. With an extensive professional background spanning over twenty-two years, his expertise encompasses a wide array of areas, predominantly focusing on capital markets, Accounting, Auditing and Public Policy. A dedicated researcher, Dr. Tareq's contributions have received international recognition. He has presented his research papers at conferences held in various countries, such as the USA, UAE, Japan, Turkey, Thailand, India, and Azerbaijan. Notably, three of his research papers were honored with the prestigious Best Paper Awards, one at a conference in the UAE, one at the first annual conference organized by Bangladesh Accounting Association, and the other at a conference in Azerbaijan. His research findings have been published in esteemed local and international journals, including but not limited to, Accounting & Finance [ABDC A Ranked Journal], Pacific-Basin Finance Journal [ABDC A Ranked Journal], IEEE Access [Q1 Ranked Journal, Impact Factor =3.47 ], International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, and Japanese Psychological Research. Additionally, Dr. Tareq has authored multiple books and book chapters published by prominent international publishers such as Springer International Publisher and Routledge, a British multinational publisher.


Professor Tareq has worked for over a decade as consultant in the areas of financial markets, small and medium enterprise development, skill development, project appraisal and implementation among others. He has led and participated in projects undertaken by agencies including ILO, BGMEA, World Bank, FES (Germany), SME Foundation, Ministry of Industry, Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Bank.


Dr. Tareq possesses extensive expertise in the field of information technology and taught courses on Accounting Information Systems. His contributions extend to published papers in Information Technology journals, notably in the prestigious IEEE Access journal (Q1 ranking), wherein he explores Sentiment Analysis methodologies employing artificial intelligence to extract sentiments from customer reviews. 


Dr. Tareq's exceptional academic journey is a testament to his dedication to business education and research. He graduated as the top student in his MBA class at the University of Dhaka, achieving a perfect CGPA score of 4.00/4.00. Subsequently, he pursued his Ph.D. in Financial Accounting in Australia, fully funded by the Australian Government Scholarship. Before embarking on his Ph.D. journey, he completed a second MBA (major in Finance) at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, sponsored by the prestigious Monbukagakusho scholarship offered by the Japanese Government.